Beat the Heat in Morro Bay

July 13, 2024

$60.00 per person

SERVICE FROM: Clovis, Fresno & Lemoore

Departing Morro Bay at 4:00 p.m.
Arrival back at 7:45 p.m.
Please check your boarding pass for pick-up time at your location.

Join Best Tours & Travel as we escape to beautiful Morro Bay. Our journey begins by way of Highway 41 with a rest stop in Kettleman City, where you can grab a coffee or a quick snack as we head to our destination. We will make our way through the beautiful scenery and rolling hills to reach Morro Bay in the late morning.

Upon arrival, you will enjoy the idyllic backdrop of the Pacific Ocean and have the opportunity to view the extinct volcanic peak known as Morro Rock. You will truly appreciate the laid-back beach life that Morro Bay conveys.

Take a stroll along the Embarcadero and visit the many boutiques, where you’ll find something for everyone. Take a break at one of the sweet shops along the way. What’s better than ice cream, a cinnamon roll, or a bag of saltwater taffy to satisfy your craving for something sweet? Why pick one when you can have all three!

After our enjoyable day at the Bay, we’ll depart for home at 4:00 p.m. with a rest stop en route, arriving back home at 7:45 p.m.

Morro rock refelected in water on beach at Morro Bay
Morro Bay shops with Morro rock in background